Commercial Law

Supply of Goods Agreements

Supply of Goods Agreements are legal contracts between a seller and a buyer that outline the terms and conditions of the sale of goods. This agreement covers all aspects of the transaction, including the description of the goods being sold, the delivery schedule, payment terms, warranties, and liabilities. Supply of Goods Agreements are a critical aspect of any business that engages in the sale of goods.

  1. Clearly define the goods being sold, including their specifications and quantities.
  2. Establish clear payment terms and a delivery schedule.
  3. Outline the warranties and liabilities associated with the goods.
  4. Include clauses for dispute resolution and termination of the agreement.

Common mistakes that people make when drafting or negotiating Supply of Goods Agreements include failing to clearly define the goods being sold, overlooking payment terms and delivery schedules, and neglecting to include appropriate clauses for dispute resolution and termination of the agreement.

Our experienced solicitors are here to help you at all stages of your business. Contact us to learn more.

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